Preventive work on mental health and substance abuse
We see the work on preventive mental health and substance abuse as part of promoting well-being, health, and safety in the daily lives of individuals, communities, and society. It aims to promote mental health and to prevent and reduce the high-risk use of alcohol, nicotine products, drugs, and harmful gambling and also reduce the harm they cause to the users, their loved ones, and society.
Preventive work on mental health and substance abuse focuses on identifying protective factors and strengthening them together with reducing risk factors. We develop expertise in preventive work according to local needs. Preventive work targets people of all ages at different stages of life. We provide town residents with information and tools to assess and manage their situation and support them to make a change independently. We support actions in communities such as schools, workplaces, friend- and home circles because the conditions, practices, and norms of everyday environments and those communities they form can, at best, support and enable individuals to make health-promoting choices and protect individuals against risks. We can promote the realization of fundamental human rights, reduce human suffering and the need for social and health services, and reduce health differences between social groups with long-term preventive work.
The service advisor supports different actors in developing and implementing mental health promotion and substance abuse prevention. You can also get help utilizing local resources and networks and building your own or your community’s know-how.
You can reach the service counsellor by phone or e-mail Monday-Friday, 9:00-15:00.