Kiinteistö Oy Suonenjoen Vuokratalot

As a municipally owned company, Kiinteistö Oy Suonenjoen Vuokratalot can offer safe, long-term homes. We can also provide an apartment if you need it for a short term.
The company owns and operates 28 properties in Suonenjoki and Iisvesi areas.
As all our properties are subject to housing restrictions, the selection of tenants is based on the need for housing and the applicant’s income and assets. The most urgent housing applicants are families with children moving for work, families with children living in particularly difficult living conditions, homeless people and young adults becoming independent. However, everyone can apply to become a tenant at Kiinteistö Oy Suonenjoen Vuokratalot’s properties. You can find information on how to apply and descriptions of the properties on the applicant page.
Rent Determination
Rent and other charges are determined on a cost-basis principle, and the company does not aim to make a profit. The rent covers the costs of construction, care, management, maintenance and repair of the properties. The rent and operating charges are decided annually by the Board of Directors.
Kiinteistö Oy Suonenjoen Vuokratalot has a Board of Directors, with two members nominated by the residents. The Board of Directors from April 27th, 2024:
Leena Tuppura, Chairman of the Board
Marko Pentikäinen Vice-Chairman
Pasi Raatikainen Member
Anja Lehtonen Member
Terho Sikanen Member
Lauri Änäkkälä Member
Resident Activity
Resident democracy must be applied in rental buildings subject to ARA restrictions.
Resident democracy means that residents have the right to be informed about the building’s condition, management and finances and to participate, for example, in preparing the budget. The company convenes a residents’ meeting every year. At the meeting, residents can form a residents’ committee or committees, to which the Board of Directors will address requests for opinions.
Residents can also influence their housing, price, and comfort in many other ways. Company representatives are happy to discuss development ideas with residents.
In addition to traditional bulletins and telephone conversations, we use electronic channels such as email, forms on the website and the company’s social media channel.
Invoicing instructions
Kiinteistö Oy Suonenjoen Vuokratalot receives invoices electronically. We hope that invoices will preferably be sent as e-invoices.
e-invoicing address: 003705072599
e-invoice operator: Maventa Oy (operator ID): 003721291126
If you do not yet send e-invoices, should you send the invoices, preferably in PDF format, by email to the following address:
Paper invoices should be sent to the following address:
Kiinteistö Oy Suonenjoen Vuokratalot
PL 13
77601 Suonenjoki
Invoices must include the delivery address of the goods or services and the customer’s name so we can correctly allocate the invoice. Other information required is the sender’s name and contact details, business ID, invoice date and number, due date, reference number, invoice amount and VAT. Kiinteistö Oy Suonenjoen Vuokratalot does not apply the reverse value-added system for construction services.
Data protection
We comply with Suonenjoki’s data protection and security policy.
Suonenjoki town register and data protection policy