Early childhood education
Children under school age are entitled to early childhood education and care in accordance with the law, as well as preschool education from the age of 6.
Family daycare centers and kindergartens provide early childhood education services. This Services supplemental to preschool education are provided in the same unit where the child attends preschool education.
Early childhood education is continuously open to applications. Generally, applications must be submitted online via eDaisy four months before the start of the childcare period.
Some services are provided privately.
The Early Childhood Education Office is open from 9:00 to 15:00 on weekdays.
Day-care centers
Iisveden päiväkoti
This daycare center provides early childhood education services in daycare groups for small children and older children.
Kopolan päiväkoti
This daycare center is the only early childhood education unit in Suonenjoki that serves clients who need evening, weekend and night care.